What is blended scotch whisky?

Discover Blended Scotch Whiskey

Are you ready to embark on a journey of flavor discovery?
Our Blended Scotch Whiskey is work of art crafted by our Master Blenders. Blended Scotch Whiskey is a mix of different whiskies, combined to create a consistent flavor and remarkable taste that will leave your taste buds craving for more. Join us in unlocking the world's boldest flavors, just like our founder John Walker did two centuries ago. Here's an exclusive insight into the art behind our signature blends.

Making blended Scotch begins much the same way as any single grain whisky.

Близък план на малки зърна, които се изсипват или падат, създавайки динамичен ефект на водопад с размазан фон. Зърната са продълговати и приличат на ечемик или пшеница, в различни нюанси на кафявото.

It starts with malting – adding hot water to the grain to convert the starch to sugars. Once it’s ready, the cereal is dried in a kiln – sometimes with peat, which adds smokiness. Then it’s time to ground the grain, extract those all-important sugars with hot water and get ready for fermentation. Adding yeast brews a kind of beer, which is distilled twice in a large copper container called a still. This intensifies the flavor.

Купчина дървени бъчви, всяка с надпис John Walker & Sons и различни имена на дестилерии като Cameronbridge, Cambus, Caledonian и Port Dundas, стоят срещу тъмна тухлена стена.

It’s then transferred to oak casks to mature for the minimum three years. These casks play a huge role in the whisky’s flavor. They’ve usually already held bourbon, sometimes sherry or even wine or beer. Once cleaned, the barrels are toasted, which opens up the wood fibres to add flavor and colour.







Човек стои до голяма купчина стари дървени бъчви и гледа замислено нагоре. Бъчвите са изветрени, с различни маркировки и цветове, което предполага, че съдържат древни спиртни напитки или вина. Обстановката изглежда промишлена или част от дестилерия.

So what is the difference between Single Malt Whisky and Blended Scotch? Blends combine different types of whisky to produce a Scotch with a wider range of flavors that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. When making a Single Malt Whisky, the goal is to create something typical of that single distillery’s style. Comparing the two different kinds doesn’t really make sense – they’re not meant to be the same. It’s down to whichever flavors and style you prefer. After all, in order to be called Scotch, whiskies must be matured in Scotland. So no matter if they’re blended or a single malt, there are strict standards in place for both.

Discover types of whisky

Blending whisky takes passion, creativity and vision.

Черно-бял портрет на мъж на средна възраст, носещ очила и жилетка върху риза. Той се обляга на дървена бъчва със замислен поглед, на фона на подредени бъчви.

Something our small team of expert blenders have in abundance. They’re led by Johnnie Walker’s Master Blender Jim Beveridge, who can call upon our unrivalled stocks of 10 million casks of Single Grain and Single Malt Scotch Whiskies. He knows the character of each one – from the ingredients used, to the treatment of the casks – and also how they react when combined. But creating an exceptional blend is more than just a comprehensive knowledge. It’s an art form.

Група от тринадесет души, мъже и жени, стоят заедно и се смеят. Те са облечени в официални и полуофициални облекла. Фонът е изчистен и тъмен, което подчертава групата. Изображението е черно-бяло.

Our whisky blenders build structure, form and meaning into every sip. And more than that, they reproduce that same quality and flavor time and again, so the standard of our whisky never changes. With one eye on the past and the other on the future, our team continues to create the much loved whiskies of today, while continually exploring, testing and formulating new varieties.

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