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DREAMING of a new experience

Break tradition this festive season with our immersive experiences, unique personalised gifts, and exclusive cocktails and cuisine, served with exceptional views of the city.

BRING IN THE BELLS with a bang

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The 1820 Hogmanay party

We’re blending great music, incredible food, and unbeatable views for our exclusive Hogmanay evening. Ring in the New Year with live entertainment from Georgia Cecile, welcome drinks, selection of canapes, festive nibbles, and a glass of Champagne for the bells. We have limited availability, so book now.

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Enjoy Scottish cuisine and views of Edinburgh Castle in our 1820 rooftop bar. Explore our menu and book your table today.

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Swap ordinary for extraordinary and take the festive season to new heights in our cosy rooftop bar. Take your pick from finest whiskies, cocktails, and dishes in the capital.

Walk with us

We zijn er voor je wanneer je de sprong wilt wagen met Johnnie Walker. Ontdek cocktailrecepten, de nieuwste producten en het laatste nieuws uit onze whiskywereld.

Bedankt voor je keuze om van elke slok een verhaal te maken.

Dit is nog maar de eerste stap in een totaal nieuwe whiskybeleving. Fijn dat je erbij bent. Keep walking.


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